Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Welcome to my 'Forts' blog!

Welcome to my weblog for "Forts of the Northern Plains," my guide to 50 military forts built during the Plains Indian Wars. The book (published by Stackpole Books later this month) is a travel guide/reference book to the forts, some of which are state/federal parks, some of which are used in some other capacity and many of which are gone and remembered only by an historical marker. I thought I'd start the blog to keep interested readers up to date on what's happening with the book and my efforts to promote it.

I sent postcards out a few weeks ago to friends, my contacts at the forts, and bookstores in the region. Friday I sent out links to my new website at http://www.fortsofthenorthernplains.com/ to make it easier to share information and hopefully spur some online sales. So far, I've sold three books! But it'll increase once the book is out.

I've received e-mails from a couple of the forts asking about making appearances at their locations. I'd like to do it, so right now I'm working at filing in points before, between and after and do an official book tour - wish me luck.

I'm, of course, also working on getting book signings lined up locally. I've got three set so far (two in Omaha, one in Nebraska City) and have a speaking engagement, but let me know if you have any suggestions.

Thanks for reading - I'll add more as the news happens!

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